Current Topics
- GEN IV Nuclear ReactorsMichael LaPresti, Ibrahim Ezelarab - Generation 4 Nuclear Reactors
- Regenerative Braking - Kevin Ireland, John Stedje
- Anaerobic digestion - Michael Palmer, Clifton Sanders
- Generation IV Nuclear Reactor Comparisons - John Landreneau, Damian Mirizio
- Scott Lavoritano, Nick Ingham-Fast Fission/Reactor Fuel Production/Sustainability
- Piyawat Chalermkanjana, Katelyn Troiani - Solar-Stirling-Engine
- Donald Cortese, Stephanie Woloshin - Geothermal Home Heating and Cooling
- Ethanol as a Fuel Source - Jordan Berkes, Jude Wieczorek
- Ryan Santora, Scott Maronde - Thermoelectrics
- Matt Reynolds, Morgan Faust - Geothermal Power for Residential Homes
- Julian Ferrett, Josh Banas - Tesla Motors/ Efficiency and Power of next generation automobiles - Tesla Motors
- Ryan Mitch, Brian Fink - Economically Feasible Sustainable Homes
- Nick Kirsch, John Chesko, Lee Dosse - Geothermal Underfloor Heating
- Rick Peifly, Jordan Haase - Gen. IV Nuclear Reactors
- Nick Hill, Marshall Thomas - Chevrolet Volt
- Jacob Pessia, Justin Smoker - Small Scale Cogeneration (including automotive applications)
- Karli Bowser, Jim Hoffman - Pressurized Water Reactors
- Joshua Schapiro, Ian Chappel - Windmills
- Sarah Dotson, Annmarie Rowland - Using Brewery Effluent in Fuel Cell Power Generation
- Billy Epting, Mike Fuchs - Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Nanotubes
- Brian Easter, Patrick Wetherill - Hydro kinetic power
- Scott Almes, Monica Ivey - AP1000
- Brett Middleton, Briean Strobel - Algae Biofuel
- Abhishek Shinde, Omar Rahrouh - technological advances of biofuels
Current Topics from Fall 2007
- The Recent Surge in Nuclear Power Plants - Paul Hannan, Matt Marks, and Negley Rodgers
- Common Refrigerants and Environmental Safety - Tim Bagatti, Mike Durka, and Brandon Young
- Hot dry rock geothermal power plants - Adam Wick, Adam Tanski, and Gerald Di Noia
- Wind Turbines and Associated Advantages - Ashley Guzzetta, Grant Myers, Andrew Purse
- Automotive Heat Exchangers - Julie Pegher, Scott Poploski, Josh Dispennett
- Thermoacoustic Refrigerators - Nicholas Holnaider, Jason Tomko, and Sherry Tomko
- Ocean Wave Electric Power Generation - Greaves, Douglas; Layton, Astrid; Neely, Melissa
- Microturbines for Distributed Power Generation - Remic, David; Tatarintsev, Igor; Alvarez Urena, Pedro
- "Iceland's Energy Plans" - Joe Motzko, Ira Hill
- Alternative Ways to Power Your House - DeMarco, Alex; McCarthy, Corey; Miller, Josh
- Thermal Systems Issues in Micro-gravity and Outer-Space - Bennewitz, John; Bernardo, Jose; Mckeon, Peter
- Swamp Coolers Elijah Kristek, Russell Booth, and Mike Blissard
- MEMS-Based Rankine Cycle for Power Generation - Joe Bernsdorff, Dan Eiben, and Nick Salkeld
- Effects of Variable Geometry TurboChargers in increasing efficiency and reducing lag - Ted Rader, Ryan Wolfred, Sung-won Jung
- Flash Steam Geothermal Power Plants - Chris McKinney and Aaron Fisher
- Fuel Assemblies in Nuclear Reactors - Justin Carr, Rick Wagner, and Rich Vargo
- Distributed Generation Of Wind and Solar - Jake Barry, Eliot George, Nick Farrell
- Solar Thermal Electric Power Plants - Wesley Knotts, Kory Swope, Bethany Bowman
- Nuclear Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) - Jesse Malecki, Steve Jackson, Jason Fitzwater
- Waste Incineration - Michael Johnson, Josua Mohl, Kirsten DeVaughn
- Biofuels Beyond Ethanol and Biodiesel - Larochelle, Nguyen, Irving
- Miniature Fuel Cells - Nick Andes, Ian Rozansky, Christy Hydrean
- Very High Temperature Reactors - Ivan Donahey, Steve Nitkiewicz, and Richard Trowbridge
- Micro-Scale Heat Exchangers - James Coyne, Scott Bassano, Josh Wood
- Nuclear Weapons Recycling - Matt Marcus, Sarah Fanto, Laura Almendinger
page revision: 200, last edited: 03 Dec 2008 18:16